Christmas Eve 2019.JPG

A health commitment doesn’t have to be hard. That little walk on a day when you’d rather stay inside can reveal a wonderland you’d never want to miss.

Breathing, walking, gratitude lists are all ways that allow us to bring our best to relationships and events.

On a retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh in 2011, I remember him saying we need to be faithful in our meditation practice to bring “freshness” to our relationships. The word “freshness” stuck out and made me think about it. Essentially, taking care of ourselves is a gift we can give.

Have a happy, healthy holiday season.

With love,


Diane Grimard Wilson

Diane Wilson is a peak performance coach and speaker and the author of the award-winning book Brain Dance. She is board-certified in neurofeedback and enjoys leveraging coaching conversation and applied neuroscience for her clients’ success.

Loving Gaze and Career/Life Success


Neurofeedback and Performance